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Getting to School at Corpus Christi

Travelling by Car

Student drop-off zones 

Students may be dropped off outside the front of the school at the Platt Street entrance. A second smaller drop zone is located near on Alfred Street . Both these zones are 5 minutes parking zones during the morning and afternoon school pick up times.

A teacher is on duty morning and afternoon at the Platt Street Gate to support students to move to and from their car safely.

For drivers who use the ‘5 minute zone’ on Platt Street, we aim to streamline this process to ensure that students can depart and enter cars safely. We appreciate that drivers who use this space strive to stay in their cars and move quickly to support the flow of traffic during this busy time.  All drivers who use this area of an afternoon are required to display their family name card to streamline the process.

We ask that all families support the safe flow of traffic and avoid queueing on Platt Street, parking in Bus Zones and No Stopping Zones as the offenses can attract significant fines in school zones.

Parents are also welcome to

  • Parking in neighbouring streets and walking to the front gate area
  • Waiting on the church side of the street and cross with the crossing guard
  • Afternoon - Delaying arrival and arriving after 2:50pm/2:55pm when traffic conditions have eased.

Bus Routes

Students at Corpus Christi use Newcastle City bus routes with bus stops in both directions outside our school. Teacher supervision is provided in waiting for the scheduled bus within a reasonable timeframe of the school dismissal times. At times some students access Hunter Valley and Port Stephens Buses which depart from St Phillip's Christian College. 

Pedestrians and Bikes

School Crossing Supervisor

We have an NSW Government employed School Crossing Supervisor on duty from 8:20am and during afternoon pickup from 2:50pm. When crossing Platt Street directly outside of the school our School Crossing Supervisor assists students across the road.

Walkers and bike riders can enter via the Platt Street entrances. Our bike rack is located in the school playground.