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School Fees

Catholic schools provide high-quality education supported by quality facilities and learning environments. It is the policy of the Catholic Schools Office that financial hardship should not prevent any child from attending a Catholic school and no child will be denied a Catholic education because of a family’s genuine inability to pay the required school fees. Any family experiencing financial difficulties is entitled to fee assistance; your local school Principal will be able to discuss this with you.

Together with parents, clergy and school staff, Corpus Christi is committed to offering the children in the Waratah area access to schools in which their faith can be nurtured in outstanding learning environments. We seek to assist young people to realise their full potential, taking into account their unique spiritual, intellectual, physical and social needs.

The greater part of diocesan schools’ funding comes from State and Commonwealth government grants. However, the commitment and continuing financial contribution of parents and parish communities are still essential to fill the gap between the funds provided by the government and the actual cost of running our schools. School fees are comprised of three components – Diocesan tuition fees, individual school resource and service fees and Diocesan Family School Building Levy (DFSBL):


The 2024 full rate Diocesan Tuition Fees are as follows:

  • Kinder to Year 6 - $1,487 per year

 In 2024, the family discount on Diocesan Tuition Fees, full rate, will be:

  • 1 child family - 0% - full rate to be applied
  • 2 child family - 15% - each child
  • 3 child family - 25% - each child
  • 4 + child family - 50% - each child

School fees are an integral part of our Catholic School System and parents are required to sign a fee agreement commitment form on enrolment. Fee arrangements may be considered in extenuating circumstances and in consultation with the principal.  

Enrolment Fee

A non-refundable enrolment fee is to be paid on acceptance of enrolment. The enrolment fee covers all administrative work involved in processing the application.

School Resource and Service Fees

Each school sets these fees to cover a range of costs including the supply of goods and services including resources such as textbooks, exercise books or subject levies, technology and excursion costs.

Major overnight excursions in Stage 3 are not included in the resource fee.

Diocesan Family School Building Levy (DFSBL)

The DFSBL is $1,638 per year and is charged to the oldest child for each family. The School Building Levy is pooled to contribute to past, present and future costs for building projects across all schools in the Diocese. With a robust program of capital works, we aim to ensure our students enjoy the physical facilities to enhance their learning experience.

Diocesan Pastoral Contribution

Diocesan Pastoral Contribution This is a voluntary contribution to support the work of parishes and other pastoral ministries of the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle. The suggested Pastoral Contribution remains at the same level as previous years and continues to be $300 per family ($100 per term for three terms).

Special Fee Reductions

To assist families with limited financial resources, Corpus Christi offers a lower tuition fee to means tested low income families such as Health Care and Pension Card holders. This rate is 50% of the full rate diocesan tuition fee for each child. This discount applies only to the diocesan tuition fee, not to the DFSBL or other resource and service fees charged by each individual school.

Further Concessions

A genuine inability to meet school account charges does not exclude access to any school within the diocese for a child of a family genuinely committed to Catholic faith and practice. Parents concerned about school fees should ensure they make contact with the school. Diocesan provisions exist to help in this area and the Principal can also exercise discretion where genuine need exists.