Welcome To Corpus Christi Primary School Waratah

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As a Catholic school, we draw from the mission of the Maitland-Newcastle Catholic Schools Office and our own Vision Statement in articulating that “At the Heart of everything is Jesus Christ” and we are “Reflecting the Face of God” in all we do. This is the basis of all faith communities; to treat others as Jesus did and to see all people as created in the image of God. Pastoral Care at Corpus Christi uses this core moral purpose as the starting point of actions, interactions and decisions for all members of our school community.

Corpus Christi utilises a number of different programs or frameworks that we implement in the school that contribute to positive student welfare. A whole school approach consistently implemented across the school lays the groundwork for a safe and supportive learning environment that ensures the wellbeing of the whole community.

At Corpus Christi we provide the following programs: Positive Behaviours for Learning (PBL), Friendly Schools and Family Plus (Positive Relationships and Anti Bullying) and Kidsmatter. The compatibility and adaptability of all three programs/frameworks gives our school the power to tailor them to create a whole school approach to student welfare and pastoral care. Often it is asked, which one we prioritise. The answer is that context might raise our awareness of one component over the other for a short period of time, but only when all three are actively engaged with do we have the greater outcome, beyond what any individual component can provide.needs of the students.

students sitting on a bench