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Human Society and its Environment (HSIE) is the study of the world around us. It asks questions about the past and how it impacts us today, how we interact with our environment and how we as individuals can make a difference in the world in which we live. The aim of HSIE is to develop in students the values, attitudes, skills, knowledge and understanding that:

  • enhances their sense of personal, communal, national and global identity
  • enable them to participate effectively in maintaining and improving the quality of their society and environment.

HSIE is broken into two areas with the following content covered in each stage:




Early Stage 1

Personal and Family Histories

People Live in Places

Stage 1

Present and Past Family Life

 The Past in the Present

Features of Places

People and Places

Stage 2

Community and Remembrance

First Contacts

 Places are Similar and Different

 The Earth’s Environment

Stage 3

The Australian Colonies

 Australia as a Nation

Factors that Shape Places

A Diverse and Connected World

teacher asking class a question